Pahi 42 Owners

Pahi Owners in Europe

Front netting with hinge and ladder?

I have seen on some pictures of a Pahi 52 with a very neat design of the back netting that can be lowered into the water to allow easy access:

Obviously this is not easily done on the back side of a Pahi 42, and in my case it's basically impossible due to a two outbord engine design and a special steering pod there.

But on the front it might be doable and I am wondering if any of you have done so and could share some pictures and design tips.

Lowering the full netting would be nice, but because of the diagonal lines that go through the netting, this seems difficult to achieve without major changes to the rigging.

But maybe something more similar to this would be possible (Pahi 63):

But in somewhat smaller version to fit in the Pahi 42.

Thanks for the help.

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    I took some in person pictures of the Spirit of Gaia ramp design when it was visiting Ponta Delgada last week. The Gaia team also suggested to make reverse on the front.

    The Gaia also has an interesting gangway in front of the second beam that I think I will try to duplicate with my design.

    What I am still a bit unsure about is how to best attach the hinges and support beams to the front main beam.

    Am I correct in assuming that the layererd design of it would make it best to drill top to bottom and not horizontally at a spot between the internal openings? Or is it not as much of an issue to make a horizontal drill hole there?

    Due to the hight difference I can't do the support beams like the Gaia and have it rest on top fixed with some ropes:

    But I guess as long as I can make it somewhat flexible I shouldn't run the risk of a metal bolt splitting the main beam, right?

    Edit: sorry for the rotated pictures, I posted this from mobile and didn't notice before.

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    Andy Best-Dunkley

    OK, I've tried to put a few images of our front "netting" (actually webbing straps sewn together) and our central walkway - maybe this is what you are talking about? The first photo is from 2019, the last from 2023. We now have a pod built in the space behind the mast/in front of the cockpit (which is great!)

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    Nice pictures!

    Yes a bit like the first picture except not with a walkway but a ladder on a hinge between two beams that can be lowered easily.