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Anyone here using Rocna anchors or know someone who is ?

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Not a Rocna, but a Manson Supreme, which is close in design. 45 pound, on a Narai Mk4. Works very well in mud and sand, not sure about other ground. Much better than the previously fitted Bruce.
Yes that would be us.
We bought a Rocna 40kg had it delivered to us in Langkawi, Malaysia.
So far has been great. Had a 25kg Bruce before and dragged and dragged, was really too small.
the Rocna digs in and has been a real peace of mind. The sharp tip has gone through sea grass no problem. Only once has the Rocna not set and that was possibly to the tip picking up a rock/dead coral and skipping along. Every other time it really sets in. The boat comes to a very quick stop.

This morning we did drag for the first time as a squall came through, about 30kots tops.
We reset and held after 50 or so meters. We have around 40 - 45 meter 10mm chain out in 3 meters water.
I think that as we have been drifting around in circles over the anchor the chain may have pulled it clear as the wind / swell picked up. however it set fairly quickly again and didn't budge after that.
is a sand mud bottom.

The build and finish quality is fantastic, have enclosed an image of me unwrapping it.
We picked the Rocna up and were asked to "deliver" another large anchor up to Phuket. The difference in quality was easily seen.

We have a 10 kg Rocna on our T30. I think t's the best anchor I've ever used. It sets NOW and sometimes is a little tough to break loose. We drug once. We had been anchored for about 3 weeks with wind reaching high twentys and shifting through 180. The wind picked up to about 40 one day and we tore the thick grass that the anchor was bedded into out of the bottom and we were off. The anchor self cleaned and reset about 500 yards later. Good thing as we weren't aboard. It is a sucky phone call when somebody calls and says your boat is gone and was last seen headed south. It had gone just barely out of site and reset. The next phone call saying allwas well was much nicer. David
I have a manson anchor which is probably a copy of the rocna. It works well, but the finishing and quality of the rocna is unreached. For cruising one should have some different types of anchors anyway. I use 2 manson surpreme and 1 manson plough (cqr) and will probably change 1 surpreme to 1 oldfashioned "stockanchor".
Cheers Wave
Here is a photo of our Rocna nicely set. After a blow you can only see the roll bar.

In six meters of water on seagrass.
You can just see that the Rocna moved its own length before digging in.
The sand you can see is actually turtle poo. They eat a lot of the sand at the same time they eat the grass, it comes out the other end in little piles

After reading the above, we will probably get a Rocna now for our Pahi 42.

Has anyone had any experience with Fortress anchors.  Given that the weight of chain provides a large part of the anchors holding, it seems to me that the light aluminium Fortress would be a good 2nd or 3rd anchor, obviously with plenty of chain.


John & Kat


The Fortress XL85 or XL125 would be our other anchor when we get the money.

From what I have read and seen the Fortress really works on the softer materials.

We'd use the Fortress in river mouths and estuaries.


We are using a Fortress FX55 on our Tiki 46 and have never dragged. It sets quickly and buries itself. We have used it in  areas where the boat lies to a strong tidal flow  rather than the wind and have no problems with the every 6 hour direction shifts.


The other great thing is the customer service. One time we were anchored in a river and the girls had gone off in the dinghy. When they hadn't come home by dark, Jeff tried to pull up our anchor to take the boat to find them and we were so well set that he dipped the bow down significantly trying to free us. We ended up bending one of the flukes on the anchor but it still didn't come up!   When we got home a month later, we called Fortress and they quickly replaced it  - for free.  We did a similar stunt a few months ago and once again Fortress replaced the part - no questions asked.  Both times, even though the anchor had been compromised, it still set well and never let us drag.


The Fortress is one anchor that lets me sleep at night.




Here is a french review of anchors I found interesting. I would love to see other reviews. http://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/f118/the-ultimate-anchor-test-2...


Jeff Kittle

Thanks for posting the review. It was helpful. Liked the hydrabubble, But I want you to try it first.


Hi All,

I'm thinking of replacing my 40kg CQR with either a Rocna or a Manson and am wondering how the Rocna fits on the Tiki 46 bow roller / Bowsprit as it has that Roll bar. Do any 46 owners have any pics they could share? Also what size would you recommend?


I had on my Tiki 33 a Manson Surpreme 35 lb as main anchor on a bow roller + a Manson Plough as 2nd unit.  May be a bit oversized, but I had never problems with dragging (Thailand). Best anchor I ever had.  Will send you some pictures later, have to check first my archives.

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