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I just came across my notes, so I figured I'd post this. All weights in lbs.

  29 Mast
   5 Gaff
  22 Crossbeam, Front
  23 Crossbeam, Middle
  22 Crossbeam, Back
   2 Tiller Bar
  12 Tillers, Both
 190 Hulls, Both (95 each, design weight is 90, but this build includes solid hatch covers)
  13 Rigging
  17 Sails
 330 Lb., Total

That's true weight, ready to sail, for a boat with a JWD design weight of 295 lbs. Carrying capacity is supposed to be 550 lbs., but the picture is this boat at the 2015 Florida Hui racing a Tiki 21. We had 5 adults onboard, the three guys were each over 200, and the two gals, well lets say they were 150 each, for a total of at least 950 lbs. Yes, we beat the Tiki 21 from which Casey took the photo.

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Not my boat, but the reason why you don't use the wrong materials and bad technique, to build a wood boat. Just the two hulls weighed more that the completed boat was supposed to. No fiberglass on the decks, combined with two years out in the weather, made for a rotted boat. I could have rebuilt it, but it was too far gone. Since the boat was never completed, it'll probably be reincarnated as a proper build. When I bought it, I figured I was just buying a build license.

No chance of a capsize in that race then !!!

It's amazing what these boats are capable of at times.

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