Accounting professional looking to get out of the corporate world but still has responsibilities ito kids at university etc.
Qualified RYA yachtmaster offshore with about 30000nM open ocean experience - love sailing and visiting new places
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Complete my Wharram cat in the next 3 years en then really leave everything behind
Good luck for your project! 3 years for 63 feet - wow...
one advice from my own experience: dont start with the hulls, start with beams ,mast, gaffs and all the "small" things (they are not small at all!) and then build the hulls! Otherwise you have a huge unfinished boat in your yard and this was only half the building time yet. It starts already rottening before you finish the rest...was my experiance at least.
greetings from TIKIMATA (TIKI 38)
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Dear Willlem!
Good luck for your project! 3 years for 63 feet - wow...
one advice from my own experience: dont start with the hulls, start with beams ,mast, gaffs and all the "small" things (they are not small at all!) and then build the hulls! Otherwise you have a huge unfinished boat in your yard and this was only half the building time yet. It starts already rottening before you finish the rest...was my experiance at least.
greetings from TIKIMATA (TIKI 38)
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