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Comment by Andrés on February 18, 2015 at 9:14pm

It look's more like a classic (the rudder doesn't have lashings and the side of the hulls are very flat). The rig seems to be what Wharram called a "Wharram polynesian sprit rig". This type of rig was used on the Rongo, Narai and Oro classic designs,

Comment by Dave Mundy on February 18, 2015 at 10:10pm

Thanks Andre's. I had my doubts that it was a tiki. It does seem to have potential. It is actually made of cedar planks instead of plywood inside and the Mast mounts are really Scookum ALUMINUM that are welded to the main cross members. The Cross members have heavy rubber Buffers where they mount on the hull. The masts are old but I can't find any rot on them. Yet. They definitely need to be refinished. The rigging is heavy galvanized twist. Pretty rusty but there is a roll of new stuff enough to re-rig. Need some zinc next time. I checked the wiring and the lights and Solar panels. They are all good. It has a propane Cozy cabin marine heater in one hull and there was a small woodstove in the other. The netting is garbage and the wooden planking on the deck is incomplete and in poor condition. Some delamination on the Starboard side and a hole on the port. So I have to get her out of the water and and go to town on the hulls I guess. I do not know How I am going to manage this I am in a fairly remote spot. It would be great if I new which Builder she was. Any Ideas out there?

Comment by Andrés on February 18, 2015 at 11:38pm

Some ideas. I think that first you must try to identify what model of Wharram the boat is. It seems to be a heavily mofified classic. As a reference, the lenght overall of the Tangaroa MK IV is 35' 6", the Narai MK IV is 41' and the Oro is 46'. Then you can purchase the corresponding study plans that can be downloaded from JWD's  page (there are no plans for the Oro). They are not expensive and you can get a good idea of the original plans so you compare with your vessel. There are pakcages from JWD of design improvements for the classic designs that can be usefull for you (see for instance http://wharram.com/site/catalog/building-plans/classic-designs/impr...).

You say that there is some delamination on the starboard side and a hole on the port, I suggest you to inspect with a screwdriver in the adjacent zones so you know as far there is rot. Also you should inspect all the vessel pushing with the screwdriver looking for soft zones. This inspection can give you a good idea of the amount of work you need to do in the boat.

Comment by Dave Mundy on February 19, 2015 at 12:52pm

Thanks for this. It is around thirty seven feet so I am leaning towards the Tangaroa I guess. And I have walked and poked her pretty good and she is solid except for the area around the whole. I will do some more research on the Tangaroa and thro on some more pics later. Thanks!

Comment by Dave Mundy on February 19, 2015 at 2:43pm

Its confusing to me because of the two masts. I do not see a lot of tangaroas set up this way

Comment by Andrés on February 19, 2015 at 3:17pm

The Wharram Design Book says that the Tangaroa can be rigged as a ketch or a cutter. The cutter seems to be more popular, I suppose it is because with this rig you have a more clean deck. The two masts rigs are old fashioned and now the more popular rig seems to be the sloop. But to me the two mast rig looks prettier.

The picture of the Tangaroa in the JWD's page is a ketch.


Comment by Dave Mundy on March 18, 2015 at 6:12pm

well I gave up on this Catamarran and within short order this other one landed in my lap so to speak! I think this is a Tangaroa and I have to remove the big radar arch because it is bolted to both hulls and is causing stress on them. Unfortunately the builder of this boat never finished it due to illness and the second person who had it put the radar arch on and added a few things and some hydraulic steering and ended up in a collision that damaged the top outside corner of the port hull.  I am going to remove the hydraulic system and go back to a tiller. If the steering system fails there is no steering at all. Plus quite a heavy set up. The big Tower at the back is heavy and causing the stern to dive in rough seas.   . The boat has some finishing left to do and there are more than enough supplies to finish everything. I have to raise the mast and do the rigging and install some sort of heat system and cooking set up. I need a sink etc. But she has only been in the water since August of 2014 and is a finishing job not a fixer upper repair like the old one. I have her on the mooring buoy in front of my place and motored her up from Victoria BC to Fanny Bay about 200kms. I ran into a gale south of Saltspring blowing a steady 40 and some nasty gusts so I slowed her down and ran with the wind to shelter in Ganges Harbour.and she was so steady my wife didnt even wake up down below! With the wind behind me North of Nanaimo I averaged about 8knots with the the 25hp honda and a little sail I rigged with a tarp bumped me up over 10 knots. I need to mount the plates to hold the mast support lines and these are something i need to source so if any one knows of any please let me know. Thanks and I will send more picks soon.




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