Comment by David Broun on September 15, 2010 at 7:24am
Hi Bjorn- looks like a well set up boat- can you let me know the brand and models of the hatches that you have used as well as the dorade vents and any comments on them.
I would also like to know how you use the staysail track set-up- do you untie the sheet from the track and set it further out for downwind sailing? I can see what appears to be a point to attach this to furhter across the beam.
The hatches i have used are Lewmar ones, the Big ones are the Ocean type, the small one I forgot. Once you go on their website and compare them with m my picture you know. The Ocean type is probably overkill. the simpler one should domas wellmand you could change the glass.
The dorade vents are Vetus, type Yogi(?). the functionality is ok but the plastic gets messy and sticky after a while like using the plastic softener. If I have had the time I would have complained to Vetus.
In regard to the staysail I have typically not moved it further out because by then it was already in the shade by the foresail. Sometimes I just move a part of the sheet manually out to a cleat or a ring. what you see on picture is there for the lifebelt and or reserve to tie something off.
Comment by David Broun on September 15, 2010 at 8:50pm
Thanks Bjorn
I am about to install staysail tracks on my boat.
Also, I tuck the staysail sheet around the forward beam end when sailing downwind. I do this on the opposite side to the foresail to keep it out of the wind shadow- like a goosewing set-up. The mizzen (or main) is then fixed out to the same side as the staysail (opposite to the foresail) and doesn't impact too much on the staysail as it is further away. Works well for me in a downwind situation.
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