Hardy Buchholz




Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder, Other Multihull
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Owning a small Feldkamp KS100 Katamaran.
Started to build a Tiki 21 in 2012, but changed my mind after some weeks because we're a family of 5.
Now building a 6,5m coastal cruiser catamaran, a Kohler Design KD650.
Still love the Wharram way of thinking!
Country, City, and State?
Looking to?
Dreaming of building and sailing a Boat. Looking for inspiration and hints on my Project

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  • Brad Ingram

    Yeah I think it's sort of an optical illusion. Looking at the hull in my garage, I wouldn't expect that you could fit even one person comfortably inside. I will say that my wife and I sleep in my truck a lot, and are comfortable sleeping in smaller spaces. I slept on my side very easily on the tiki. I feel now that having a hull to myself will be pure luxury, but I see us mostly sleeping in the same hull in the future (We are married, of course!) if not out in the cockpit. I can email you some pictures of us inside so that you can see how it really is if you would like. I know it's hard to find pictures of the cabins on these boats.

  • Galway Bay

    Would love to hear about your KD650. Is it finished ? Once accommodation becomes a priority deep "V" becomes a problem.

  • Galway Bay

    kd650.hardy-buchholz.de Well done !

    I checked your link you might add it to the "And Others" group ? I am sure many would be interested. Also google found a few English language blogs.

    Launch this summer ?