Thomas Nielsen


United States

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder, I own a Wharram, Other Multihull, Other Monohull
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Wharram Tiki 26, Gary Dierking Ulua 16, Bamboo surfboards, building insulation surfboards, canvas and cedar strip canoe
Country, City, and State?
Seattle Washington
About me or us?
Looking to?
share, build and go sailing

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  • Justine

    Hey, I left a message for Scott Viers as well; I'm an aspiring Tiki builder in Vancouver BC, looking to stop by, either on March 3 or March 10 in Seattle. If you're up to it, I'd like to come see Tsunamichaser. Let me know if that might work somehow. --

  • Scott Dierikx

    Hey Tom. Just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration with your excellent Tsunamichaser blog. I was forever drooling over it, and you're largely to blame for my (currently half) Ulua build. Cheers mate. 

  • friendshipsloop .

    Thomas, any idea of the whereabouts of Badu..?  Vessel and crew...?