riley the road-dog

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder, I want a Wharram
Country, City, and State?
Whiteman AFB, MO
About me or us?
Born a very young man in 1990. Itchy-footed tree climbing neo-hobo. Spent late teens and most of twenties just travelling. Busked/WWOOFed Aus, taught ESL in Thailand, hitch hiked West Coast, crossed the US with a vt500 Honda Ascot and a tent, permaculture work in Costa Rica, camp counselor, USFS trail surveyor, and zip-line technician in the Redwoods. Eventually decided to enlist with special warfare as SERE. Cross-trained in to data analysis. I have four years left on my contract and a fairly slack work schedule.

It's probably worth mentioning, I've never sailed before and am deeply terrified of the ocean. But I can learn. I dream of life after my service - butt naked on a live aboard sailboat going where the wind blows, paying the bills by working remotely as a freelance data analyst.

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