Marc LaFrance


Orlando, FL

United States

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
I am currently building a Tiki 30. I have built a Kauffman and Ladd Pilot Cutter, a "36 'Benford Ketch" and a Sam Devlin "Winter Wren" which I currently own.
Country, City, and State?
Orlando, Florida, USA
About me or us?
I am not currently a professional boatbuilder, but I have built some other boats professionally and done boat repair in the past. I received my plans for thr Tiki 30 in Feb. 2010 and began part time construction in mid March.
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  • john james

    Thank you Mark that makes great sense to me now. My problem now is  that I have to move out of the shop into the snow with  hull  number two in order to make space for me to build the crossarm beams.

  • john james

    Right of course Mark all those raw holes got to be treated against rot and bugs,file:///Users/johnjames/Desktop/DSC09970.jpg wonder if G flex would maybe be the answer a simpler solution

  • john james

    Hi Mark looks like you're going to be a launching soon. I am puzzling over the tabernacle full-size patterns in sheet#4 --I am wondering if most of this mysterious construction  kind of telescopes into the mast---two side layers of 12 mm hardwood with the grain going up-and-down and one layer of16mm  layer I don't understand what they are talking about here can you help me