patrick lennon

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder, I want a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Building a tiki 26, own a bolger long micro
Country, City, and State?

Comment Wall:

  • Rex Echo

    I have had Phuket Siam Timber and Epotec epoxy bookmarked for awhile. Have also been looking around for some less expensive standard exterior glue plywood to no avail but then again I'm in the sticks half way between Chiang Mai and Bangkok. Was wondering what plywood and epoxy you are finally using after doing your research. I will be in  the market to purchase next month. Cheers, Rex

  • Rex Echo

    I had heard teak did not glue well with epoxy due to its natural oils plus it is a bit on the heavier side. On the other hand, I have seen a lot of teak here and not noticed any oiliness. Another issue with teak may be that clear heartwood is hard to come by. Mostly what I see in the thicker stuff is a lot of sapwood and knots. I will be headed to Bangkok in ten days or so to do some investigating there. Thanks again, Patrick. I am sure you must be excited for your upcoming launch.

  • Rex Echo

    Forgot to's a Princess Sharpie 26 by B&B Yacht Designs out of North Carolina.

  • Rex Echo

    And I'm located in Si Satchanalai, Sukhothai Province.

  • Rex Echo

    I should have thought of this earlier. Are you in need of a trailer? I have a brand new long and wide one that might work for your Tiki with some mods. Has a 1350kg German torsion axle. Let me know if you want to see some photos.

  • patrick lennon

    Hi Rex is would like to see the photos what is the length and price and is it , or can it be road registered? Cheers Pat