andy solywoda


United States

Profile Information:

I am:
I own a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
kaimu 44' wharram
Country, City, and State?
pasadena, md, usa

Comment Wall:

  • Alexandre Ferreira

    Thank you very much. Hope I am in the right way. Im working on a scale model(board and wood) to foresee some changes may be I'llbe introducing to the design. My target is to be sailing Madrigal (boat name) next summer in Brazil, that means December 2010! I wish you a happy new year and as soon as Ihave some new about my project I'll let you know.

    helo Andy soliwoda,thank you very much,cant get you any gift back,because
    not have pay pal or bank account,be on the way to cap verdies and then to time tell you more Bernd