Windvane Steering

Hi all,
We would like to fit windvane steering to our Tiki 30 at some point and I am trying to work out the best way to do it. Unfortnalely I do not think we have suitable deckspace for the wharram design solution and we need something that we can adjust without leaving the cockpit. We have a old boom as a aft netting beam which we could put a fitting on but not sure if it would be adequate as I can't see how to triangulate the fitting.

Any suggestions?

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    Ann and Neville Clement

    IT WORKS is the first shout of victory, Robert, and the second shout of victory on a boat is IT FITS!  That's all that matters.  Ann

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    it will cost you 20 dollar and it works... (on our tiki46)

    just hinge it somewhere on you deck. 2 screws under the sail for the adjustment of the angle to the wind... 2 ropes to the ends of the tillers and  that's it. if you don't need it any more, you just pull it out and roll it together.

    forget about "monitor, pacific ...." and all this expensive stuff. think "wharram style" be creative... or do it like hans klaar... use you heatsail and rubber band...

    there are so many ways. and the best ones are often very easy to do...

    have fun hans

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    ok you saved me 250 € thank you