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               I've recently purchased plans for a Tiki 26, but await the build as I make tropical retirement home move preparations.  I hope to cruise marine reserves in environmental correctness by incorporating a head into the Tiki.  Dealing with the aftermath of a used porta-potty is highly unappealing.  A composting head separates liquid and desiccates the solid waste into pourable clumps.  Can the larger composting head be accommodated in a Tiki 26?  To examine this question I've created a SketchUp model incorporating C-Head composting heads.  These heads are available in various footprint configurations to best suit the application as in a head facing fore or aft.

               The model (see TikiHeadFig1.jpg) shows two heads located between bulkheads 5 and 6 with the seated head positions facing fore and aft.  The aft facing head is the C-head cut away model with a foot print that allows it to fit lower in the V shaped hull against the smaller bulkhead 6.  The fore facing C-head box model is accommodated against bulkhead 5.  It appears that the solid waste churning handle can be operated when the head is mounted against a bulkhead.  I hope there are none foolish enough to use these head arrangements while underway (or to think two heads per Tiki is suggested here). 

               Both head arrangements were adjusted to seek the lowest possible hull elevation with the head butted against the bulkhead.  The elevation difference in between bulkheads 5 and 6 is unknown due to the sheer and keel sweep.  The bottom of bulkhead 6 is elevated 3 inches relative to bulkhead 5 in the model, this was estimated from dimensions for the lower hull panel and is likely greater than the actual value.  This unknown value influences the actual floor width against the opposite bulkhead.

               There is foot room of nearly a foot and a half from the head face to the opposite bulkhead in both arrangements.  The aft facing head sits ~3" higher in the hull with a corresponding increase in storage volume below the floor.  The distance from the head lid to the bulkhead top is about seated belly button level in the aft facing head and at office chair arm rest height in the forward facing head.  The forward facing head seems to be the loser in the two arrangements due to the limited width for feet (diminishing to 8 11/16" width at bulkhead 6.  Gaining secure footing while pulling up a pair of pants could be dicey.  The larger floor footing area (expanding to 20" width at bulkhead 5) in the aft facing head would allow a better access to the storage volume below.

               TikiHeadFig2.jgp is a view through the blue deck opening into the forward facing head.  The opening width is similar to the distance between my office chair's arm rests.  The opening length is about the length from my seated knee to my buttocks plus ~6".  Some of the actual C-head dimensions are unknown, hopefully, the extra 6 inches is enough to allow the head lid to fully open and lean back.  This opening will require a long hatch that is best hinged on the outboard side, this will provide a measure of privacy to the outboard side.  Additional privacy could be gained by a fabric screen attached to the open hatch underside and supported in two opening corners by vertical PVC pipes attached to the fabric.  The screen and pipes could be stowed on the hatch underside, but if no one else is around, I'll not be using the screen!

               The front beam is carried forward of bulkhead 6.  The large deck head opening behind this bulkhead imposes structural considerations, especially in the sheer where the beam/hull loads are carried.  TikiHeadFig3.jgp shows a means of strengthening the head compartment sheer.  Compartment length plywood panels are installed between the deck opening and the hull to form triangular cross sections at the sheer.  Openings can be cut into the panels for drainage, ventilation and small item storage.  The hull sides and head compartment floor also forms a triangular cross section to further stiffen the structure in torsion and bending.  This idea is presented as a first cut thought, more thought needs to be given on how the loads are acting on the structure before implementing anything suggested here.

               All indications are a C-Head can be installed in a Tiki 26.  A rear facing cut away model is the ticket that provides the best usability.  Installing the head as high in the hull as possible will provide more below floor storage, more footing area, more room for the lid to swing full open and better access for self cleaning operations that conclude head use.  A step should be incorporated into the head compartment as the floor could be as much as two feet down.  Has anyone been down this road?

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Replies to This Discussion

How to take a crap on a Tiki 26 seems to be an ongoing discussion.  After eight years of sailing Tsunamichaser, I have come to the conclusion that there is no single simple solution.  I use multiple solutions each with its own merit and haven't built in anything.  Remember - these boats are meant to be "flexi space" per James and Hanneke's  design.  Respect it.  I carry the smallest porta potty I could find to be legal and use it if I'm out for a day or three.  There's a pump out station on the way back to where I moor so this is simple and relatively mess free.  It can even be used on deck in private if you carry a skirt or wear a kilt (Yes there is such a thing as a free Scotland!)  I have come to the conclusion that peeing over the side is not worth the risk so I pee in a wide mouth half gallon juice jug.  You can do it standing up in a cabin and no one is the wiser (or so I think!).  For longer trips in sensitive areas, I use a homemade composting toilet.  It consists of a 2.5 gallon painters bucket with a lid.  Never pee in this bucket - see above on how to pee.  Never place toilet paper in this bucket - that goes in a zip lock bag.  Do your business and then add a handful of coir husk or wood shavings - it will breakdown or dry out that way pretty much odourless.  As for offshore all bets are off and I pretend I'm a seal.  Happy crapping Wharramites!   

Thomas, thanks for participating in my crappy topic.  Your kilt idea has merit, but I'll refuse to wear a skirt without proper makeup.  I could just slip on a gender neutral poncho before using the head and forget about the fabric screen to simplify things.  Of course I'd have to master a water tight hatch on my first ever attempt, as I recall you managed to bury a hull Hobie 16 style!  As with every idea, there is no perfection, only compromise (kilt, skirt or poncho?).  

Hi Don and Thomas.

Here is my solution. I will tell you in a few months if it is a good idea or not.

As you can see i am not very tall (and not very young ;-)). Here you have à Jabsco, a 25 liter tank and a filter.




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