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Hi all,

The tiki 46 i am in negotiations for needs a complete refit as she is looking very shabby and
has been hard used. She needs a complete repaint so could anyone advise on how many 
square meters the tiki hulls are so i could work out how much paint is needed. I would use 
interlux perfection as it seems relatively straight forward to apply and gives a good 
glossy finish. I am thinking that i would have the boat completely disassembled, sanded 
back to epoxy and then start again filling and fairing the multitude of scratches dinks etc 
and repairing any issues that come up while the boat is disassembled.

I am interested to hear what outboards would be recommended to power a tiki 46. 
From this and other forums i understand that the 9.9hp as recommended by jwd are 
underpowered for the tiki 46 size. I would want ample power to get out of sticky situations 
but don't want to go too big, keeping in mind fuel consumption. I've had a look at 
honda 20 and 30hp , but can't find any data for fuel consumption etc. What engines 
do current and future owners go for and are you happy with your choices ?  

I would actually love to go electric but from what i understand the technology isn't quite 
there yet. I would be happy with a straight diesel generator powering the motor system 
and not having the huge battery banks that are currently required for a generator-less 
system. Is this system viable yet??

To replace all of the beam lashings , how much rope and what size do i need? also same
question for the shroud lashings?
There are no jib winches onboard at the moment so what size winches are recommended ?

I have multitudes of questions, but for now will keep to this post short.

Thanks for your replies in advance, your info will really help me budget for this seemingly
huge renovation project!


Views: 632

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Hans,

Thanks for your reply, I haven't completed the purchase as yet as i am still budgeting for the renovations ( which in my eyes are very extensive!) before i make an offer. The plans are included in the sale, but i am thousands of miles from the boat and plans. I have a good idea on what is required equipment wise, and have made some guesstimates on paint needed etc but would like to get a better idea from actual owners if possible ref paint , engines etc.

How much paint did you use and what brand when you painted wakataitea? was it a huge job? would you do it again or employ professional applicators? I am wrestling with the decision of having pro painters or do a DIY job but must say i don't relish all of the sanding required for a good finish!

I am constantly trawling through discussions and forums etc and as you say i may get most of the info i require. I am nearly finished making a preliminary budget and should be making an offer over the next week or so...


HI Hans,

I've already viewed the boat, which was launched 2001 / 2002. She has been neglected and needs plenty of TLC - albeit it mostly cosmetic, replacing lashings and generally updating the basic equipment onboard, inc engines.

Repainting is the biggest single job needed as there is plenty of scuffed and peeling paint, scratches, dinks etc all over the boat. I actually have professional painters looking at the boat today to give me a quote on a pro paint job, but i may go the DIY route depending on cost and try to get some cheap day labour for the huge amount of sanding which i don't relish doing alone.

Thanks for your input, i know i have lots to learn and no doubt this will be a big adventure if i go ahead with the sale, but i have owned a tiki 30 for several years so hopefully this will help.


Peace IV is hull number 1 for the Tiki 46 range and was launched in 2002. We used a lot of paint but I do not remember how much it was. Because it was to be a boat we intended to keep for a long time, we used a two part paint for that base and it went over a two part undercoat as well. Mega expensive.

For the past 8 years, we have been doing what we call "patch painting". When one area looks like it needs attention, we wash and sand it and we now use Glidden oil based polyurethane deck and porch paint and it is holding up very well We use Bere non skid additive for the decks. The Glidden paint seems just fine in the marine environment and it is easy to apply. We used it on our friend's porch too and it really is good paint. It does have a glossy finish although I would prefer satin finish which looks better to me. I guess it is just personal taste.

Our rope issues are not much of a bother. Over the years we have had quite a number of friends tie alongside in dinghys while they come aboard and often they just like to climb over the side rather than bother with the ramp which sometimes has quite a few dinghys already attached there. The Tiki 46 is a large boat and we can have some large parties. So these dinghys alongside get tied onto the cleats we have at the ends of the crossbeams. This year we noticed that two or three of the beam lashings are getting a little bit chafed and after 40,000 nm, we notice that engine lift lines, and some other ropes need to be replaced. So we will buy a spool of rope this summer and replace rope as needed. I am amazed that the ropes have held up so well, actually. The rudder lashings are still in excellent shape, interestingly enough.

When we built Peace, I was worried about using plywood because we had owned a ply built boat that was over 30 years old when we bought her and we had lots of work to remove all the rot from that boat. But that old boat was built in the years before epoxy. Peace had two coats of epoxy on everything that we later glued on to her and the epoxy makes the difference. It really does make the wood more willing to keep the paint and it does prevent rot. Peace has been sailing long distances each year and we have been living aboard and had lots and lots of visitors. She does need paint and is getting it gradually and persistently.

When we removed the masts, we were pleased to see how well the base coat paint is holding up in those areas where you cannot see. Of course the sunlight does not get in there either so it all looks like when we launched. The plans specified use of fiberlass and epoxy in those areas and we just followed the plans with great care. So far, we have no big worries and very few small ones.

We are now removing the beam lashings one by one with the boat in the water and sanding, epoxying, and repainting where the lashings have rubbed a little over the years. We will slowly work our way around the boat and complete the project. Other than the chafe from friendly visitors tying up their dinghys, those beam lashings look good. But they are not as flexible as they were when new and we are not able to tie the old ropes as tight because of that so we will replace the rope so we can tie them tight again. As I remember those were Marlow ropes and they certainly have given us good service.

Our friends with houses have a whole lot more maintainence than we do with Peace.


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