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We have no trouble anchoring from our bow, but occasionally we have had to put out a stern anchor also due to a strong current or because our neighbors were using such a setup. The problem with the stern anchor is that if we rotate even a little bit, the rode puts pressure on the rudders. A couple of times we've actually noticed that the rudders were perpendicular to the boat and once the extreme angle broke off the tiller bar sensor on the auto pilot.


Does anyone have a setup that prevents this? We've tried tying the rode to  a cleat on the stern and letting the line run to the outside and another time to the inside. We've also had it run straight back from the winch that is in the middle of the back beam (not the stern tube which doesn't seem strong enough). In all cases, the line moved and  pushed against the rudders or traveled under the boat and pulled the rudder to extreme angles.


We are trying to avoid putting out a stern anchor at all costs, but sometimes safety demands it. In those cases I end up staying awake all night just waiting for the sound of the rudder snapping in two.


Thanks for any help!


Tiki 46

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Try using a bridle, pay out the anchor line as normal and secure on one stern cleat staying inboard of the rudders. Then, attach a second line with a rolling hitch to the anchor line. Pay out the anchor line until the rolling hitch is about 3 or 4 meters behind the stern and then take the second line and apply tension using the other stern cleat until the rolling hitch is midway between the hulls making a nice V and then secure.
Vary the bridle lengths to find the sweet spot.
You will still swing alittle with a strong current but the bridle should stay clear of the rudders.

Hope this helps


The other thing you can do if you have a netting beam right at the stern is put fairleads on it to pass the anchor rode through.  I have used this sort of set up when towing dinghies and it seemed to do the trick, especially when there are 2 fairleads and a bridle (as Marty described) rather than one in the middle.

Another trick if the problem is yawing is to stream a drogue or bucket astern.


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