Wharram Builders and Friends

A Photo & Discussion Forum for Wharram Design Enthusiasts

Hello all.  My family will be taking off this summer to buy and live on a sailboat for a year or more.  We would like to buy a Wharram if one is available when we are ready to buy.  I have been speaking to one seller of a Pahi 42 named Arenui Waka.  Does anyone on this list know anything about this boat?   I'd like to (if possible) get some information from a source other than the seller.

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I have gleaned some additional info about this boat. Apparently it was built by a couple from Texas in the mid 90's. Does anyone know who they were?
I know a few thing about it. I used to owned her. Due to unplan circumstances, I have to let her go. But one thing is for sure, she is 100% percent a wharram. She is stout and a very well built boat. I donmt know a lot about the builder, short of,thebuilder was an older couple. It took both of them 9 years to complete her. Spend one season cruising and due to health(old age, imho), have not been able to continue. If there is anything bad that I can about the boat is that it is overbuilt. Check your message for my info. Cheers

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