Wharram Builders and Friends

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Auckland NZ, (Tiki ~38) looking for SPACE to build, and cost estimates in NZD?

Hi fellow Wharram builders from Auckland, New Zealand! (More specifically, Snells Beach, Warkworth, up north)

I've been doing my own research pricing up the tiki 38, trying to understand how much more expensive it would be here than the estimates in GBP on the site. 

(Haven't bought the plans yet, just the design document with materials estimate)

Also, starting to put my feelers out for any sort of a location or bit of land that someone wouldn't mind renting me to build. I've heard of a few other wharram builders around Auckland over the years, even one in the local township Warkworth here.

Keen to make contact and learn more. I've already been fortunate enough to get ahold of Don Brazier who is here.



Ps. Also sort of interested in the tiki 30 or even the 46 though that might be a bit ambitious..

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Hi Jordan. We are building a T38 in Snells. Have sent you my number as a PM on this site. You will need to accept a friend request I believe. Cheers Grant.

What a small world! Sent you a message.

Hi Jordan

I own a t38 at Whangateau. Grant has my number

cheers Brett

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